Build Communities
that thrive for generations
We are on a mission to break cycles of dependency and poverty by investing in and operating faith-driven, locally-owned, sustainable social enterprises.
From tangible gains in sustainability to community outreach, learn what our programs have achieved and how your donations were put to work.
Meet Elijah
a musana story
Access to quality education changed the entire trajectory of Elijah’s life. From hopelessness during early childhood to the empowered change agent in his community he is today, hear Elijah share his story.
Meet Irene
a musana story
Meet Joseph
a musana story
Joseph was one of the original eighty children who inspired the creation of Musana in 2008. It has been a joy to see him grow into the amazing and hardworking man of integrity that he is today. Joseph is now employed as a nurse at Musana Community Hospital. More than anything, he wants to give back to Musana, show others God’s love, and pour love back into his community the way that Musana has loved him throughout his life.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4