

You Are One Step Closer to Visiting Musana!

Please review our trip resources prior to filling out this application to ensure you are willing and able to participate in the mandatory training meetings, meet medical and immunization requirements, and commit to fundraising to cover the cost of your trip. FAQs are also located in the trip resources, and if you have additional questions please reach out to Susie Knight at MANDATORY MEETING DATES are listed at
*Trips in the above menu are currently accepting applications
If you have a passport, the name you provide should match what is on your passport.
If you have a passport, the date you provide should match what is on your passport.
Trip all-in cost is $3,500 - Includes flights, on ground transportation, accommodations, and all meals while in Uganda
Ex. medical practice, hair dresser, chef, teacher, business management, accounting, skills such as sewing and knitting, athletic expertise in a specific sport, etc.
Please include year the trip took place, travel location(s), and organization that led the trip.


By checking each of the below boxes you are confirming your understanding and commitment to the following statements.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

J o h n  1 3 : 3 4 – 3 5

Musana’s foundation is based on Christian values, the forefront being LOVE. In everything that we do, we are committed to reflect the purpose and character of Jesus, treating and recognizing all people as Jesus would.

We acknowledge the God-given gift of free will and we pass that gift along to the communities we serve. It is a personal decision to accept and believe the same. We do not discriminate but abide in Jesus’ love, accepting everyone as they are and loving them unconditionally.

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Grit & Grace

You're invited to a Ladies’ Luncheon in recognition of International Women’s Day! We will be joined by guest speaker and New York Times best-selling author – Elisabeth Hasselbeck!